Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why Elena was the hero of season finale of Vampire Diaries. Ships be damned!

For the ones that know me, this statement for a header might come as a shocker but let’s sit back and really reflect all that Elena has gone through since the start of TVD. Why do I think she is the hero of the season finale? Follow my logic and for once put aside any ship, any obsession over one character and just hear the plain facts..

We start of right away with the death of her parents. Yes, I know at this point she does not known all the circumstanced that was involved in the car crash. But at such a young age to loose your parents, is a heart break non of us would ever want to go through. Now let’s take a look at all she has lost because of who she is or that others wanted to protect her life.

Throughout the 3 seasons, Elena has lost every parental role she has ever know. Her biological parents, Jenna, Alaric. Aside from Alaric who would have if given the chance, all of them freely laid down their life for the sake of Elena. Showing in the end, unconditional love for her. The way a guardian should behave.

Next we have her friends. Caroline was abused/mis treated and fed upon and in the end turned into a vampire because of Elena. Katherine was sending Stefan & Elena a very strong message. Tyler although Elena not untimely close too, still was turned into something for the sake of showing Elena and the gang that Klaus was serious. Bonnie, how do we even start with her? She has lost so much. Her Grams, her real mother was turned into a vampire again for the sake of Elena being able to stay alive.

Do you really need to carry on? So much has happened in Mystic Falls it’s almost unbelievable. I am not saying that all these people are wrong to have put Elena first. Not at all. What I want you to see is this. Everything that I mentioned above Elena has put on her shoulders. She carries the burden of knowing all these people have died for her. Can you imagine just for a minute carrying that yourself?

Let’s now take you to the car crash. The one with Matt & Elena. She had throughout season 3 come to the conclusion, she was the one that should have died in her parents car crash. But because someone loved her so much, he gave his own life to save her. When Elena woke up under water with Matt, trying desperately to get herself and Matt free and failing. She was scared. In comes Stefan. Elena at this point makes the most unselfish decision she could have made. She was tired of carrying that burden. She was done with loosing any more loved ones for her. She knew IMHO only one could be saved. She choose Matt. She did not want Stefan to save her and she has to yet again live through another heart ache of knowing a loved one is dead because someone picked herself over another. Stefan loves her, we all know this. He wanted to take her first. But he also knew Elena and respected her free will and listened to her wish.
I do not know if Elena knew she had vampire blood in her. I honestly don’t care. The only reason I am writing this is because people are to worried about a darn ship and not able to see the beauty of what Elena finally let go and did. This was HER decision. This was HER wish. This was HER free will.

If Elena knew she had vampire blood in her system, then doesn’t that prove that she was ok with her choice and wanted Stefan to respect it. If she did not know, then why not look to Dr. Fell for giving her vamp blood. With Elena wanting Stefan to save Matt and knowing she probably would die, isn’t that the ultimate unselfish act?